PROPERTY MANAGEMENT #0044 - Online (VanEd)

Real Estate Property Management #0044

Pre-License ONLINE Course - REEsults Fusion

Real Estate Property Management #0044 Overview

The purpose of the Property Management course is to provide the student with an overview of property management. The Course includes detailed discussions of the role of the property manager, landlord policies, operational guidelines, leases, lease negotiations, tenant relations, maintenance, reports, habitability laws, and key Fair Housing issues.

The course is not aimed at a specific group of students but instead caters to individuals who may wish to explore various specialties in the future, including residential management, commercial management, or establishing their own property management business. It acknowledges that mastering the fundamentals is essential for specialization, and thus, this course equips learners with the necessary basics to kickstart their educational journey.

Key Course Criteria:

  • Property Manager's Role
  • Landlord Policies
  • Operational Guidelines
  • Leases
  • Lease Negotiations
  • Privacy
  • Maintenance
  • Security
  • Reports & Records
  • Habitability Laws
  • Fair Housing Act


Course Registration

By clicking on the button below, you will be redirected to our VanEd ONLINE Course Registration page for REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate.

Scroll through the course options and find the
Property Management - REEsults Fusion #0044 course. Click the <Add to Cart> button to enroll in the course.

Property Management - REEsults Fusion #0044

Note: Upon completing this course, VanED will report your satisfactory completion of #0044 to the Nebraska Real Estate Commission. You will receive a course completion certificate directly from VanEd.

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