Mark Wehner's REEsult Coaching™ LLC, DBA "REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate" of Nebraska, RE: "REEsult Coaching™" is dedicated to providing a safe and positive learning experience that is student-centered and focused on academic excellence. By choosing to attend any REEsults Coaching™ training each student agrees to comply with certain standards of civilized behavior; therefore, REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate adopts this Code of Conduct, (a living document) so that it might: Reflect the values of REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate and promote an environment that supports its educational functions;
- Reflect the values of REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate and promote an environment that supports its educational functions;
- Protect the students and faculty and its resources from disruption and harm;
- Provide a guide to appropriate individual and group behavior; and
- Foster ethical standards and civic virtues that represent competency, fairness, and high integrity.
- Adherence to an ideal of moral conduct in all business practices
- Willingness to accept and abide by the Code of Ethics of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.
Zero Tolerance for Violence or Harassment
Harassment or bullying of any kind is not tolerated; this includes negative or offensive comments related to any of the above, as well as inappropriate or unwanted contact or attention. If you harass, assault, or stalk any of our students, faculty or anyone employed by REEsults Coaching™ or fail to comply with the code of conduct, we will take any action we deem necessary, from requesting you rectify your behavior to asking you to leave the event immediately without refund, banning you from all REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate events, or calling law enforcement.
Sexual Misconduct
All allegations of sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, sexual violence, or stalking will be investigated and addressed in accordance with the governing laws of Nebraska and following the procedures set forth by civil litigation and the “REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate Response to Allegations of Student or Faculty Sexual Misconduct”, adopted pursuant to this Code of Conduct.
NO Alcohol, NO Drugs, NO Weapons
We have a strict drug-free, alcohol-free, and weapon-free policy. Section 69-2441. Permit holder; locations; restrictions; posting of prohibition; consumption of alcohol; prohibited. A permit holder may carry a concealed handgun anywhere in Nebraska, except any: Police, sheriff, or Nebraska State Patrol station or office; detention facility, prison, or jail; courtroom or building which contains a courtroom; polling place during a bona fide election; meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or other political subdivision; meeting of the Legislature or a committee of the Legislature; financial institution; professional or semi professional athletic event; building, grounds, vehicle, or sponsored activity or athletic event of any public, private, denominational, or parochial elementary, vocational, or secondary school, a private post-secondary career school as defined in section 85-1603, a community college, or a public or private college, junior college, or university; place of worship; hospital, emergency room, or trauma center; political rally or fundraiser; establishment having a license issued under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act that derives over one-half of its total income from the sale of alcoholic liquor; place where the possession or carrying of a firearm is prohibited by state or federal law; a place or premises where the person, persons, entity, or entities in control of the property or employer in control of the property has prohibited permit holders from carrying concealed handguns into or onto the place or premises; or into or onto any other place or premises where handguns are prohibited by state law.
Student Participation Guidelines and Participation Exemption Requirements
Student participation during class (in the classroom and/or Zoom™) is expected and is highly beneficial because of our REEsonate REEcall™ coaching and study methodology.
- Participation Exemption Notification Requirement
The student MUST inform REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate (in writing) to be exempt from classroom participation BEFORE EACH Class or Course’s first session. This request is intended to avoid circumstances that may cause the student undue embarrassment, anxiety, and negative physical or psychological stress for students with special needs. This declaration will act as a guide when working with the student, allowing us a greater understanding of the individual student’s special needs and providing documented awareness of this class participation exclusion.
- Potential Cause(s) for Exemption Request
Potential Cause(s) for requesting a participation exemption by the student, for any reason(s), may include BUT NOT LIMITED TO: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities, mobility disabilities, medical disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), visual impairments, deaf and hard of hearing, concussion, Autism Spectrum Disorders, etc.
- How/When to Request an Exemption
A student may opt-out of (classroom and/or Zoom™) participation by giving the school advanced notice in writing at least (5) five business days before the start of the first class/course session. Written notice shall be delivered to the School by USPS-certified mail.
School Administrative Office: 16616 Jackson Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68118
If class/course registration occurred within this (5) five-day required notification period, the student may alternatively request an exemption in person. To do this the student must request a private meeting with a school representative to submit a written confidential request. Please call (402) 676-0101 to set up an appointment.
- Student’s Registration is an Acknowledgement of Acceptance
By default, a student’s class/course registration serves as an acknowledgment, acceptance, and agreement to comply with all REEsults Coaching™
Code of Conduct,
Terms of Use,
Privacy Policy, and
Refund Policy, including verbal Policies and Procedures made by REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate instructors during class. For more information see also our
School Catalog.
Communication with Instructors and Staff
- Students must use a profile picture and video feed background that is appropriate for an educational environment. The instructor & administration reserve the right to determine if a profile picture or video feed background is inappropriate. Students using an inappropriate profile picture or video feed background will be required to update their settings. Profile pictures should be a headshot of the student only (i.e. shoulders, up) and may not be offensive or inappropriate in any manner.
- Students must be in online attendance in an academically/professionally suitable environment (appropriate for learning) to avoid potential distractions.
- Students must use an email address that is appropriate for an educational environment. Email addresses that use profanity or may otherwise be construed as offensive, shall not be permitted in correspondence with instructors and staff.
Interacting with Other Students
- Communications with other students enrolled must be course-related. Communications with other students in any group forum, course-related email, discussion post, etc., must be polite, courteous, and respectful.
- The integrity and authenticity of student work is important. Copying the work of others, allowing others to knowingly copy a student’s work, and/or misusing content from the Internet could result in removal from our courses with a failing grade. Students are expected to abide by the academic policies accepted as part of the course enrollment.
Required Attendance
- Students who are enrolled in courses are expected to uphold the attendance policies established in the registration and the course syllabus. (including those related to academic integrity and the standards of conduct)
- Attendance Verification Student attendance, for both in-person and virtual student attendees, will be verified and confirmed by the instructor presiding over the class.
- Recording Verification of Attendance: REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate reserves the right to digitally record, and share with the Nebraska Real Estate Commission (NREC), all course/class sessions for attendance verification. The NREC can and may direct REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate to deny any student credit for any class where the student is not present 100% of the required class time.
Disciplinary Actions
- If misconduct occurs, the instructor or school administrator will notify the student.
- Based on the nature of misconduct the school administrator will determine what, if any, disciplinary action should be taken. Disciplinary actions may result in the expulsion of the student from all course(s) without appeal or refund.
Governing Policies
Please also see our
Privacy or
Terms of Use Policies, which describe the privacy of your information and the restrictions, disclaimers, indemnification, and limitation of liability governing the use of the entire REEsults Coaching website.
Code of Conduct Application -
Approved by the State of Nebraska Dept. of Education
This Code of Conduct applies to all students and/or attendees at classroom and/or virtual and/or hybrid classes, including but not limited to all classes, seminars, or events promoted, offered, or sponsored by REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate or where REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate may have a professional and educational presence.
Questions and Contact
If you have any questions regarding this
Code of Conduct Policy, you may Contact Us at or at REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate, 331 Village Pt Plz, Suite 200 Omaha, Nebraska 68118, USA.