“ When you absolutely, positively, MUST PASS the real estate exam... and SUCCEED!™ "
Name of School: REEsults Coaching's™ School of Real Estate, established in 2015
Main Office: REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate, 331 Village Pt Plz, Suite 200 Omaha, Nebraska 68118, USA | 402.676.0101
Date of School Catalog Publication: Published March 24, 2021 (updates are ongoing)
Owner: Mark T. Wehner, CEO and President of Mark Wehner's REEsults Coaching™ and REEsults Coaching's™ School of Real Estate
School Calendar: REEsults Coaching's™ School of Real Estate will be open for classroom and online instruction 12 months of the year according to schedules posted in advance of all classroom sessions at https://reesultscoaching.corsizio.com.
School Facilities & Equipment: REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate (School) uses only approved facilities and classrooms that meet the standards of the Nebraska Department of Education and the Nebraska Real Estate Commission. All facilities are in full compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act.
The School utilizes a variety of equipment to deliver our Programs, including but not limited to computers, audio/visual tools (digital projectors, screens, large screen monitors, microphone and sound systems, lighting, etc.) as needed, along with the necessary software and online conferencing programs to deliver our Programs to our Students effectively.
The School offers the most up-to-date course texts specific to each Course and Class in our Program. These course texts are included in digital format in the initial tuition investment made by the Student. If the Student desires a hard copy, the Student can either print off the text using their computer and printer or order, for an additional fee, a hard copy from the School of the text for their personal use and retention.
Instructor Requirements: All instructors have been approved by the Nebraska Real Estate Commission and Nebraska Department of Education and have been further certified by REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate for teaching/coaching our curriculums, including but not limited to pre-license, post-license, and continuing education. All instructors/coaches are independent contractors.
Program Objectives: REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate (School) main Program Objective is to offer an education curriculum that would allow the Student, upon the Student’s successful and satisfactory completion of said curriculum as applicable and required by the Nebraska Department of Education and the Nebraska Real Estate Commission, to sit for the Nebraska Real Estate Salesperson and/or Broker Exams. All classroom and webinar courses will be made available pending a satisfactory registration of a minimum of 5 students per course or at the discretion of the instructor.
Requirements for ALL Virtual Students: Live, Interactive, Zoom™ Classroom Sessions.
See: (Instructions PDF)
PRE-LICENSE: All Pre-License courses are approved by the Nebraska Real Estate Commission and the Nebraska Department of Education for 30 clock hours each. Students are expected to attend all class sessions for the courses taken to comply with license law requirements. A student who is absent for more than one class session is required to make up missed sessions in an upcoming class before receiving a certificate of completion.
A leave of absence will be granted for illness, emergency or unexpected reasons considered valid by the school. If granted, a student may enter a later class within a period of one year at no additional cost to the student.
Length of Program Courses: Each classroom or webinar course consists of 33.75 hours, designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter for each course.
Tuition: $287.00 for each Pre-License classroom/webinar course
Your registration includes all course materials (in digital format). Course materials are formatted to perform well on computers, tablets, and smartphones. If you desire a hard copy as a registered REEsults student, you are permitted to print these documents for your personal use only! You can order a hard copy of the course materials from a link in your paid registration (confirmation email).
EXAM PREP: Our SALESPERSON Exam Prep Coaching Sessions are NOT structured lectures! Each Session is focused on getting YOUR real estate questions answered and explained in context with real-world practical applications. Our sessions include proven comprehensive study methodologies and exam-taking strategies to give you the best possible chance of passing the real estate exam. (See Active Exam Prep Course Schedule)
Note: You can attend unlimited Exam Prep Coaching Sessions! NREC Monitoring (audio/video) Attendance Requirements DO NOT APPLY to Exam Prep Coaching Sessions!
Your registration includes all course materials (in digital format). Course materials are formatted to perform well on computers, tablets, and smartphones. If you desire a hard copy as a registered REEsults student, you can print these documents for your personal use only! You can order a hard copy of the course materials from a link in your paid registration confirmation email or the REEsults Coaching Online Store.
CONTINUING EDUCATION (CE): $45 for each CE classroom/webinar course (See Active CE Course Schedule)
Our exclusive CLASSROOM CE course curriculum uses “real-world” scenarios so students can readily identify and relate to their representative role in the real estate transaction. Each class is designed to instruct the licensee in the best business practices, both legally and ethically, as they build their real estate careers!
Enrollment Procedures: Students can go to www.REEsultsCoaching.com to register and pay online before any course is offered. Payment may be made at the first class, provided the class is available based on the minimum attendance requirement. REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate (School) reserves the right to limit Student enrollment to maintain an effective Teacher-Student Ratio. Class enrollment will not exceed 100 Students, depending on the venue, to effectively instruct and coach our Students in pursuing their real estate license. The School reserves the right to limit or expand enrollment as it deems necessary and appropriate.
School Placement Assistance: REEsults Coaching's™ School of Real Estate does not offer placement assistance.
Attendance Policy for In-person/Zoom Classes: The Nebraska Real Estate Commission requires that students of our 33.75-hour pre-license courses attend 8 of the 9 class sessions. Instructors will verify all attendance and attendance records are maintained by the REEsults Coaching's™ School of Real Estate.
Students are expected to attend all class sessions for the courses taken to comply with license law requirements. A student absent for more than one class session must make up missed sessions in an upcoming class before receiving a certificate of completion.
A leave of absence will be granted for illness, emergency, or unexpected reasons considered valid by the school. If granted, a student may enter a later class within a period of one year at no additional cost to the student.
Satisfactory Progress Policy: Students will be expected to complete all written examinations as the course progresses. A cumulative grade average of 75% or better is required on the examinations. Students will receive notification of their respective grades upon completion of each test.
Readmission Policy: A leave of absence will be granted for illness, emergency, or unexpected reasons considered valid by the school. If granted, a student may enter a later class within a period of one year at no additional cost to the student. After one year from the initial date of the leave of absence, the student will be required to pay current class tuition fees and textbook charges that are in effect or used when the student reenters the class.
Probation Policy: No Probation Policy is offered other than warranted and approved circumstances as stated in the Readmission Policy (see Readmission Policy above).
Progress Reports: REEsults Coaching's™ School of Real Estate does not issue Progress Reports other than the notification and distribution of test scores to the students by any method determined by REEsults Coaching's™ School of Real Estate.
Student Transcripts and Certificates: Only students who have met the attendance requirement and have a cumulative grade average of 75% or better will be issued a certificate of completion. A Certificate will be emailed to the student and the Nebraska Board of Education for each qualified course successfully completed. These Certificates constitute a student’s official record in addition to the detailed CSV transcripts (online database), which are digitally maintained and backed up daily.
Student Conduct Policy: REEsults Coaching's™ School of Real Estate reserves the right to dismiss any student who exhibits belligerent, disruptive, inappropriate, or disrespectful behavior. Please see our separate detailed Code of Conduct Policy documentation.
Credit Granted for Previous Education/Training/Experience: REEsults Coaching's™ School of Real Estate will not grant credit for previous education, training, or experience unless approved, in writing, by the Nebraska Real Estate Commission and the Nebraska Department of Education as submitted and applied for by the student.
Student Complaint Policy: In the event a student has a complaint or grievance against REEsults Coaching's™ School of Real Estate, its owners, staff, or instructors, the student must submit, in writing, a complaint or grievance within 30 days of alleged inappropriate activity or action to REEsults Coaching's™ School of Real Estate. The student may contact the Program Director of Private Postsecondary Career Schools at the Nebraska Department of Education.
Non-Discrimination Policy: REEsults Coaching's™ School of Real Estate does not discriminate among students based on race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, marital or handicapped status.
This catalog is part of the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Refund Policy, and the Student Code of Conduct for REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate.
Refund and Cancellation Policy: REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate (School) Refund Policy adheres to a reasonable or return of unearned tuition and fees paid in advance by an enrollee who fails to enter or withdraws or is discontinued therefrom before completion of the study. Refunds of unearned tuition, fees, and other charges shall be made in the following manner within sixty (60) days of termination:
If you have any questions regarding this School Catalog, Contact Us at info@REEsultsCoaching.com or at REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate, 331 Village Pt Plz, Suite 200 Omaha, Nebraska 68118, USA | 402.676.0101
Administrative Office
331 Village Pt Plz, Omaha,
Suite 200, Nebraska 68118, USA
Office Hours: M-F 9AM-6PM
Since 2015 ® All rights reserved