DC Migration Notice

Real Estate Exam Simulators
New LMS Migration Notice

If you are a NEW Student or if your subscription has expired...

Click on the button below to view Simulator Pricing, Options, and Register.

SIMULATOR Options for New Students


REEsults Coaching is migrating our Simulators (State and National) to an advanced Learning Management System (LMS) to maximize the student learning experience. 

Improvements Include:

  • Personalized self-paced online e-learning (study on your schedule anywhere, anytime!)
  • Unlimited retakes for one year from the date of registration or until you PASS the exam
  • Learner progress tracking, immediate feedback w/ explanations, and collaboration tools
  • Stop at any time during an exam and pick up exactly where you left off
  • User-friendly interactive testing platform works on (PC • Mac • Workstations • Laptops • Tablets • Cell Phones)
  • Simulators are formatted using our exclusive REEsonate REEcall™ methodology. This learning technique is designed to reinforce key points for optimum retention and recall to dramatically improve testing scores.

NOTE: If you have an active subscription to our simulators, still studying for your real estate exam, and you wish to be added to our new LMS platform. Please contact us using the form below and we will happily create a new account for the remainder of your subscription at no charge.

Continuing Student Migration Request Form

NOTICE: ALL Simulator subscriptions expire one year after your date of registration.

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