
Summit Real Estate

Summit Real Estate

Real Estate Educational Resources

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First Things First


Give us a call or send us an email so we can visit and arrange everything to help you get your real estate license.

Agency Contact:  Jennie Wright, Broker

Agency Address:  1824 West 2nd Street, Grand Island, NE 68803

Email address:

Telephone:  308.850.8162


Click on the link below! This link will provide all the information you’ll need to begin the process of getting your real estate license!

Summit Real Estate and REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate, a top-rated school in Nebraska, have teamed up to provide comprehensive pre-license real estate training resources for individuals pursuing a Nebraska real estate Salesperson or Broker license.

Summit Real Estate provides:

  1. Direct access to REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate’s website for licensing information, meeting Nebraska Real Estate Commission’s (NREC) educational requirements, pre-license course registrations, and preparing for the real estate exam.

  2. Personal coaching to “fast track” your pre-license course requirements!

  3. Solid support and communications to assist you through the entire licensing process!

Your Pre-License Educational Options:


  1. REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate’s self-paced Home Study courses are the fastest and most effective way to meet the NREC pre-license educational requirements needed to sit for the real estate exam!

  2. You will have personal coaching from a Summit Real Estate Team Member to assist in the comprehension and completion of all of the Home Study course curriculum. 

CLASSROOM (with Zoom option)

  1. Great for those who desire in-person classroom learning!

  2. With the Zoom option… You have the opportunity to attend any pre-license class virtually!

  3. PLUS… you will have access to a Summit Real Estate personal coach that can help in the understanding and application of the course curriculum!
Summit Real Estate

Our goal is to be informative and helpful.
A key part of our culture is always to earn your business with our exemplary level of service and extensive local knowledge of the Nebraska markets we serve!

Summit Real Estate • 1824 W 2nd Street
Grand Island NE 68803 • 308-850-8162


Pre-License Real Estate Home Study Courses

Designed to be the fastest, most convenient way to meet your pre-license educational requirements!

These self-paced, Home Study Courses are delivered online. Exams are instantly graded with feedback and explanations. After achieving a 75% or higher on all exams, your Certificate will be automatically sent via email and your results will be promptly submitted to the Nebraska Real Estate Commission (NREC).

Pre-License Real Estate Classroom/Zoom™ Courses

Pre-License Courses are taught in classrooms by seasoned experts in their fields, with the option to attend via real-time Zoom™ using a computer or mobile device that is audio/video capable. Video is required by state mandate to proctor virtual (Zoom™) attendees. Registration includes course materials (in digital format).

Each course consists of 33.75 classroom/Zoom™ hours (divided into 9-sessions)

Real Estate Exam Prep
Coaching Sessions

REEsults Coaching Exam Prep delivers proven study techniques and strategies for taking the real estate exam.


  • UNLIMITED Attendance (1st & 3rd Saturdays) held twice monthly
  • Math REEview
  • Terms & Definitions Flashcards
  • Video Library (48 videos)
  • Q&A On-Demand

Real Estate Exam Simulators

State and National

State and National Real Estate Exam Simulators help licensees prepare for their exams. These simulators virtually mirror the content of the actual exams featuring over 1,600 up-to-date Questions and Answers, with detailed Explanations. Meticulously crafted using our exclusive REEsonate REEcall™ methodology, ensuring key points are reinforced for optimal retention and recall, giving you the best opportunity to ace the exam on your first try.

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