Economic Survival

Economic Survival
9999T BAT / CE Courses

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Economic Survival Courses Overview

Our Economic Survival Series encompasses a unique combination of concepts and winning strategies that can be customized for either Entrepreneurial or Intrapreneurial coaching opportunities that will give you that competitive edge in everything you do! We coach exactly HOW to THINK, ACT and ACHIEVE entrepreneurial success for independent business owners. Our programs are designed to transplant the very essence of the entrepreneurial spirit, through the Intrapreneurial coaching of employees and supporting staff for existing companies and organizations. They create a powerful “Intrapreneurial ownership attitude” within employees and staff to enhance organizational accomplishments. This dynamic series has the ability to examine every facet of success... from both an entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial perspective.

Economic Survival & 9999T BAT/CE Course Details (click to expand view)

Each of the following sessions captures and reveals the “missing links” in the DNA of successful endeavors both entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial.
  • Entrepreneurship... From Passion to Potential (3 hrs)

    This segment launches our Economic Survival Series! The genesis of Entrepreneurship is an unbridled...unstoppable passion to follow your dream...and then make that dream a reality. This segment lays the foundation for belief...motivation...and will create a "cause of action" for anyone looking for a reason "why" they can succeed!

  • Essentials of Entrepreneurship (3 hrs)

    This segment of our Economic Survival Series targets 10 “essentials” for Intrapreneurial & Intrapreneurial success. It examines the fundamental elements of exactly HOW to build a solid foundation in any independent venture or business organization. It develops conviction and purpose…two unstoppable elements…understood and practiced daily in the world of both Entrepreneurship& Intrapreneurship!   

  • Winning Mindsets of Entrepreneurship (3 hrs)

    This segment of our Economic Survival Series identifies key beliefs and attitudes required to create and sustain the very essence of Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship! The ability to THINK like an entrepreneur & intrapreneur develops an unbeatable belief in yourself and your abilities. 

  • How to Avoid the Top 10 Entrepreneurial Mistakes (3 hrs)

    This segment of our Economic Survival Series identifies 10 “mistakes” that can paralyze enthusiastic entrepreneurs, including employees and staff of Intrapreneurial companies and organizations. We specifically coach HOW to avoid these mistakes so you can survive the pitfalls and eliminate the desperation experienced by the uninformed Entrepreneurs & Intrapreneurs. By learning HOW to strategically and tactically readjust your present mode of operations…then applying these coached, proven tactics to focus on business development instead of “brush fire management”…you can stop the drain on your time, energy, and financial resources.  

  • Prime Directives of Entrepreneurship (3 hrs)

    This segment of our Economic Survival Series segment identifies 12 “prime directives” that every individual must master in order to outpace the competition. We examine every directive’s function and thought process from an Entrepreneurial & Intrapreneurial perspective. This session provides an unmatched mental edge when dealing with day-to-day challenges and opportunities. 

  • Entrepreneurial Perspectives on SOCIAL MEDIA (3 hrs)

    This segment of our Economic Survival Series examines the key elements of awareness, coaching points, miscues, and mobility issues entrepreneurs will encounter when making social media a key component of their marketing strategy. If you are serious about profiting from your investments in social media…this session is exactly what you need so you can maximize your social media experience.

  • Winning Strategies of Entrepreneurial ACHIEVEMENT (3 hrs)

    This segment of our Economic Survival Series sets the stage for specific ACTIONS that build the framework and superstructure for Entrepreneurial & Intrapreneurial success. Focusing on targeted activities…we combine mental toughness, accountability, and risk-taking in a hard-hitting format designed to take you from efficient-to-effective in every aspect of your daily activities. 

  • Entrepreneurial BRANDING Strategies (3 hrs)

    This segment of our Economic Survival Series reveals key strategies for branding your Entrepreneurial venture. From concept-to-world class… you will learn the secrets of successfully branding that are used by the world’s high profile… best known… major brands! 

  • Entrepreneurial Perspectives on BUSINESS ETHICS (3 hrs)

    This segment of our Economic Survival Series offers a candid look into how entrepreneurs navigate the world of business ethics.  From “situation-based ethical questions” to dealing with the ethical pursuit of gaining a “competitive advantage”…we will reveal exactly how one can gain…and profit from…an Entrepreneurial perspective ethically. 

  • Entrepreneurial LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES (3 hrs)

    This segment of our Economic Survival Series shares the next generation of leadership strategies. From will transform your present perception of leadership! This session builds on proven leadership philosophies while sharing the secrets of "Entrepreneurial" leadership that can make a positive difference at all levels of any organization.

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